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Glacier Worlds

Exhibition in the Nature Park House in Ginzling


Nature Park House in Ginzling has been extensively renovated and is now attracting visitors with a whole new look. One special highlight is the spacious exhibition area of some 500 m², which extends over two floors and is dedicated to the "Hidden Treasures" exhibition. You can also look forward to an attractive nature garden, play and bouldering area, spacious terrace and much more.

"Hidden Treasures" is the new jewel in the Nature Park crown in the mountaineering village of Ginzling. The exhibition extends over two floors encompassing a surface area of over 500 m² and takes you on a unique journey through the geological history of the Zillertal Alps. It features sparkling treasures that have formed inside the mountains over millions of years. A constant focus is placed on the people who have been exploring the mountains for thousands of years to search for, find, mine and trade these treasures. Many exciting stories are told, based predominantly on local examples of rock crystal and garnet. A large relief of the Zillertal Alps, interactive stations, fascinating installations such as the kaleidoscope and a mountain cinema are just some of the highlights that await.

Admission prices for the exhibition are €12,-- for adults and €6,-- for children. Reduced rates and special prices for guests of Nature Park partner businesses and schools are also available.

Opening Times

·         from 16.09. to 22.12.2023: Monday to Thurstday from 08.30 to 12.00 hrs and 13.00 to 17.00 hrs, Friday 08.30 to 12.00 hrs, closed on puplic holidays


Rund um das Naturparkhaus

Rund um das Naturparkhaus kann man diese berühmte Alpingeschichte hautnah erleben. Besucher erwartet der Naturpark-Klettersteig Nasenwand, mehrere internationale  Kletter- und Bouldergebiete, der Geocache "Ginzling - Am Anfang war das Bergsteigen" und der Sagenweg "Die Dornauberger Riesen". Hier ist für Jeden etwas dabei.


Summer programme: 26.05.2024 - 9.10.2024 more than 30 different guided tours ... book now


Summer Programme '24
Experience » Exhibitions » Glacier Worlds