The Stilluptal. Free of traffic, Stilluptal is a topologically exhilarating valley landscape that opens up starting from Mayrhofen and is the only valley is be completely encompassed within its respective municipality. The history of the valley is relatively brief. This is due to the fact that the "Stilluppe", as it is pronounced locally, never had a permanent settlement and that is still the case to this day. According to historical records, the pasturages and its offshoots were already agriculturally utilised in the 17th century. Iron ores and minerals, such as Zillertal garnets, quartz and rock crystal as well as amethyst, were mined in the 18th and 19th centuries.
The most famous mine site to date is the Stapfenalm in which a "garnet mill" is also located. The first guest houses in Stilluptal were built at the beginning of the 20th century. The Stilluppe possesses an intact ecosystem characterised by a very broad diversity of species and a low incidence of encroaching species - all stand witness to its pristine scenic nature. Primordial forces, such as avalanches, rock slides and the dynamics of moving water, created and still continue to form new living conditions here. Waiting to be discovered by visitors are innumerable colourful alpine flowers, chamois, marmots and raptors - not to mention more than 500 species of butterflies.
With the discovery of the moth Gillmeria pallidactyla, it was even possible for Tyrol to register a yet undocumented species of insect. One of the most beloved bicycling routes is the stretch commencing at Mayrhofen and running through the Alpengasthof Lacknerbrunn (1,006 m), the Alpengasthof waterfall (1,127 m), Stillupperhaus (1,200 m) up to the Grüne Wand Hütte (1,438 m).
Above all else, hikers and mountain climbers prefer the backside of Stilluptal and its Kasseler Hütte (2,177 m) as a starting point for high alpine tours to Wollbachspitze (3,210 m) and the transitions over Lapenscharte (2,701 m) to Greizer Hütte (2,227 m) or via the Aschaffenburger Höhensteig to the Edelhütte mountain hut (2,238 m).
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